Customer Testimonials

For our 1st wedding anniversary my lovely wife got me a painting. How do you beat that… Thanks to the best wife a man could ask for!

Brendan B.

Love this!! This is my baby Pepe!

Alla H.

Wow, wonderful work! I hope to commission some more personalized work from you soon.

@2 Twetch, Aaron B. Professional Twetcher

Marina goes above and beyond any and all expectations. The painting she completed for me is one of my favorite possessions!

Brittany F.

Marina painted this portrait of us a while back! The size is about 2’ x 3’. Everything is so exact on all of her paintings!

Collin A.

One day helplessly wondering around the mall I noticed Marina’s paintings. Making circles around her little gallery I was stunned with her work.

Then I explained to Marina my intentions to make a surprise for my wife and she said that all I need to do is bring a picture I like, so she can make a portrait. i did so and after a short time the portrait was ready. I was simply amazed with what I saw. It was very refreshing, charming and sophisticated. And it was affordable too.

When my wife opened a present and I saw her happy smile, I realized that not only “diamonds are girls’ best friends”, but also a beautiful piece of art.

Thanks Marina for such a wonderful job.

Craig G.

This was a surprise gift for my parents. Although me and my 3 sisters are different ages, Marina was able to combine our baby pictures and paint us all as babies of similar ages through the eyes of a mother. Needless to say, Marina captured our personalities perfectly and they loved the portrait!

Daniel D.

This is Hillary and Drew. This artist has done two other paintings for us – she is so amazing!


Daryl B.

Her work is truly amazing. So happy to be able to know her in person.

Drew B.

Very beautiful work of my kids together!

Hillary B.

The photograph does not give her justice, I’m happy to know her and her family. Cause this is not something you see everyday.

Jarrod F.

Here is the painting Marina Koloeridi did many many years ago. Her work is unbelievable …… We found this lovely artist along the Chattahoochee river with her easel and pencil. She was educated at the University of Moscow and had been in this country for only a couple years, at the time we met her. She did not speak English, but her son did and he always translated for us. Over a period of a few years she did many many portraits for me to give as gifts. She is extremely talented. For this project, I gave her 4 separate photos and showed her how I wanted them arranged and here is the result. The completed work is approximately 2 ft x 4 ft.

Judy S.

I really wanted to remember these sweet chubby folds of Sonya. Thanks to Marina Koloeridi for a very beautiful work.


Natalia C.

Family portrait by amazing artist Marina ❤️ Thank you.

Olya B.

This has to be one of my favorite gifts we received from our wedding painted by the incredible Marina Koloeridi. I am completely blown away by her talent! If you’re interested in having any beautiful pieces of art created for yourself or as a gift for the holidays. Seriously a woman of great talent! I think she’s got more talent in her pinkie than I’ll ever have!

Tara D.